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Peter de Langen: +31 (0) 6 11 76 88 77

About PLA

Mission & Approach

Ports & Logistics Advisory (PLA) is a small advisory company registered in Málaga, Spain. Dr. P.W. de Langen started PLA in 2013, after an extensive track record in industry focused research and strategic advisory at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Eindhoven University of Technology and Port of Rotterdam Authority. PLA is active in advisory, industry-research and training & executive education in ports & logistics worldwide. PLA strongly believes in partnerships with customers. PLA aims to make high impact contributions to organisations in the port industry, by sharing experiences and key insights, inspiring decision makers and helping organisations to realise complex strategic projects. The PLA mission is: To contribute to more efficient and sustainable ports & logistics chains, by providing, inspiring and cutting-edge training, advice and analysis. To download company profile click here.


PLA strongly believes in the in-house development of corporate strategies, development visions for ports, inland ports and logistics clusters, (long term) forecasts, and trend and market analysis. PLA aims to assist customers in these areas, by providing ‘lessons learned’ and ‘best practices’ from previous projects, most importantly at Port of Rotterdam Authority, but also international projects including New York/ New Jersey, Suape (Brazil) and Copenhagen Malmo Ports. In such a partnership, PLA can help customers in realizing major strategic projects, by providing inspiring and cutting-edge training, advice and analysis. PLA is proud to work in such a partnership model with Port of Rotterdam Authority and aims to develop a few more of these partnerships.
PLA also partners with other advisory firms or research institutes. In 2013 PLA has developed partnerships with RHV BV and LABTRANS (Brazil).

Highlights 2014

Teach and Inspire services that have been provided include a one-week tailor made course on port concessions for port authorities in west and central Africa; a short course on trends and developments in the port industry for Port of Rotterdam; a contribution to a two-week port development course for the Indonesian port company Pelindo I; and a contribution to a successful Porteconomics Port Executive Course.

Our Advise services include advise on implementing a system of port performance indicators for Brazilian ports; a second opinion of a large scale logistics park in Moerdijk (The Netherlands); and the setting up of an ambitious organisation to enhance cooperation in knowledge development between two universities, the business community and the port authority in Rotterdam.

Our Analyse work include assisting an important Mediterranean port by analysing state aid decisions of the European Union, and an analysis of the potential to realise a modal shift for a large inland port in Belgium.
We have also remained at the forefront of academic research with various new publications (see, and continued sharing insights on port development and strategy ( Finally we have chaired and contributed to several industry conferences.


Principal Consultants

Dr. Peter de Langen is the owner and principal consultant of Ports & Logistics Advisory. Peter de Langen also holds a part-time position as professor Cargo Transport & Logistics, at Eindhoven University of Technology, since 2009. From 2007 to 2013, Peter worked at Port of Rotterdam Authority (PoR), department Corporate Strategy as senior advisor, from 1997-2007, he worked at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Peter is Chairman of the Innovation Council of the Dutch Innovation Center for Barge Transport, co-director of the knowledge dissemination platform, co-organiser of conferences and training events and regular speaker at industry conferences on ports and shipping.

At EUR, he was engaged in research, education and consultancy and obtained his PhD, with a study on port clusters in 2004. He was leader of a team of 5 researchers and led >50 projects, amongst others on cooperation between the ports of Ghent and Zeeland Seaports, on public interests in seaports (commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Transport) and on trends and developments in the port industry (commissioned by Port of Rotterdam Authority). Peter still provides lectures at EUR’s MEL programme.

At PoR, Peter was involved in various strategic renewal projects, such as the development of a port policy of the Dutch national government (project leader), the development of a ‘corporate strategic plan 2011-2015’, with goals, performance indicators and key activities to achieve those goals (project leader), and the development of long term cargo forecasts (project leader). He was also involved in various business development initiatives and provided in house courses, one on developments in the port industry and one on ‘entrepreneurial port development’. Finally, Peter de Langen contributed to various international projects at Port of Rotterdam Authority, including developing a business plan for the port of Suape (Brazil), a masterplan for ports for Brazil and a comprehensive port analysis for the Port Commerce Department of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Peter continues to work with Port of Rotterdam Authority as an independent advisor.

Since 2008, Peter holds a one day per week position as professor Cargo Transport & Logistics, at Eindhoven University of Technology. Over his career, he published widely, both academic articles and industry oriented articles, on such issues as port selection, port policy, and international transport & logistics chains. His work is widely read, used and cited and he is considered a though leader on port development. He regularly provides guest lectures at universities, speaks at (industry) conferences and moderates workshops and panel discussions. See for a full academic CV and publications.

In 2013, Peter founded Ports & Logistics Advisory (PLA). PLA is active in boardroom advisory, research and executive education in ports & logistics worldwide. PLA can involve a wide range of partners in projects.