Peter de Langen: +31 (0) 6 11 76 88 77


ACP workshop


“ Our company Ports & Logistics Advisory (PLA) and PortEconomics had the privilege to provide another well-evaluated course. This course was about business development for port/industrial/logistics complexes, with specific attention for issues as drivers of change, the use of concessions, stakeholder management and business development capabilities. Four PortEconomics members, Peter de Langen, Michael Dooms, Theo Notteboom and Jean Paul Rodrigue provided the interactive one-week-training-program, with various workshops. PLA was responsible for the course development and execution. The course participants were Panama Canal Authority (ACP) employees involved in business development. The Panama Canal Authority is in charge of developing the whole canal zone and therefore has ample opportunities to develop new business. The course was very well evaluated by the participants, with an average score of over 9.5! The PortEconomics experts also had an interesting informal exchange of ideas with the Management team of ACP”.


Port distance learning programme

A new distance learning course has been launched by leading port scholars to help further knowledge about port development and management.

The course has been developed by seven leading academics that jointly cooperate in, the web-based initiative aiming at developing and disseminating knowledge about seaports.

One of the contributors, Peter de Langen, is the owner and principal consultant of Ports & Logistics Advisory, a small Rotterdam based consultancy firm and also works part-time as professor of Cargo Transport & Logistics, at Eindhoven University of Technology. He is also a regular contributor to Port Strategy.

He said: «This course allows participants to learn when and where they want. There is another distance learning programme, but that course works mostly with industry practitioners, this initiative works with leading academics. This course brings together leading academics for different universities with a track record in industry oriented research and executive education. The strong involvement of leading scholars working in Isa, North America and Europe is unique.»

The distance learning programme consists of self- studying readers, a large number of short video lectures and individualised assignments. Four core modules provide core concepts and insights, participants can chose four additional electives of more specialised topics.

It is being targeted towards individuals working or with the ambition to start working in the ports industry. A secondary audience consists of academics that want to increase their knowledge for teaching and or research.

The other contributors to the course include: Theo Notteboom, Thanos Pallis, Pierre Cariou, Michael Dooms Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Francesco Parola. They frequently contribute to industry reports and conferences, publish widely read opinions and have experience in leading executive education programmes worldwide.

This new programme is a further cooperative step following the successful introduction of the Port Executive Seminar organised annually since 2010.

Participants can start on the course from 1 September 2015 onwards.

– See more at:


Port executive course

Organizado por la plataforma PortEconomics, de la cual Peter de Langen es co-director, el curso de dos días de duración, Port Executive Seminar, que tuvo lugar el pasado mes de octubre en Nápoles, proporcionó a todos sus participantes, entre los que se encontraba Jordi Caballé, la oportunidad de ampliar sus conocimientos sobre operaciones en terminales y estrategias de las autoridades portuarias. Peter fue uno de los instructores del seminario, impartiendo diversas conferencias y moderando el debate de clausura, en el que participaron el presidente de la Autoridad Portuaria de Nápoles, el representante de relaciones externas de Grimaldi Group, el presidente de la asociación náutica de Nápoles y el vicepresidente de Contship Italia.


Port executive course

Port executive course