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Peter de Langen: +31 (0) 6 11 76 88 77


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Desde julio de 2013, Peter escribe una columna mensual per a la revista Port Strategy, bajo la etiqueta The Analyst. Estas columnas se pueden descargar desde la web

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Peter de Langen tiene más de cien publicaciones, libros, artículos académicos, reportajes y contribuciones en revistas del sector portuario. Las publicaciones académicas más relevantes para cada una de las áreas están detalladas a continuación. La mayoría de ellas pueden ser descargadas de la web Ver también el perfil académico de Peter a
Peter de Langen también publica artículos en medios profesionales, recientes publicaciones pueden ser descargadas también.

Análisis de tendencias y desarrollo

Langen, P.W. de and Chouly, A. (2009) Strategies of Terminal Operators in Changing Environments, International Journal of Logistics 12 (6) pp. 423 – 434.

P.W. de Langen (2005) Relevant Trends and Resulting Opportunities for the Long Term Development of Rotterdam’s Port Complex, Coastal Management 33 (2) pp 215-224.

Pallis A.A. and de Langen P.W. (2010). Seaports and the structural implications of the Economic crisis, Research in Transportation Economics, 27 (3) pp 10-18

Previsión a largo plazo del cargamento

De Langen, P.W., Van Meijeren, J. and Tavasszy, L.A. (2012). Combining Models and Commodity Chain Research for Making Long-Term Projections of Port Throughput: an Application to the Hamburg Le Havre Range, European Journal of Transport & infrastructure Research, 12(3), pp. 310-331.

Langen, P.W. de (2003) Forecasting Container Throughput: a Method and Implications for Port Planning, Journal of International Logistics and Trade, 1 (1) pp 29-40.

Mapa estratégico y indicadores de rendimiento para puertos y autoridades portuarias

P.W. de Langen, M.N Nijdam and M. R. van der Horst and (2007) Port Performance Indicators in Ports, Journal of Maritime Research, Vol. IV. No. 1, pp.23-36, 2007.

P.W. de Langen and K. Sharypova (2014) Intermodal Connectivity as a Port Performance Indicator, in Research in Transportation Business and Management, forthcoming.

Enfoque portuario

Van der Lugt, L.M and Langen P.W. de (2005) The Changing Role of Ports as Locations for Logistics Activities, Journal of International Logistics and Trade 3 (2) pp59-72

Welters, H.W.H. en Langen, P.W. de (2003) Het Onzekere voor het Zekere Nemen, een Visie vanuit de Wetenschap op de Ontwikkeling van het Haven- en Industriecomplex Rotterdam op de Lange Termijn (in Dutch, translated title: Dealing with Uncertainty, a Vision for the Long Term Development of Rotterdam’s Port Complex) Reed Business Information Transport, Rotterdam

Análisis de la industria portuaria, maritime y logística

Langen, P.W. de (2004) The Performance of Seaport Clusters; a Framework to Analyze Cluster Performance and an Application to the Seaport Clusters of Durban, Rotterdam and the Lower Mississippi, ERIM and TRAIL thesis series.

de Langen, P. W. and Haezendonck, E. (2012) Ports as Clusters of Economic Activity, in The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics (ed W. K. Talley), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Klink, H. A. van, Langen, P. W. de (2001) Cycles in Industrial Clusters: the Case of the Shipbuilding Industry in the Northern Netherlands, Journal of Social and Economic Geography, 92 (4) pp 449 – 463

Langen, P. W. de (2002) Clustering and Performance; the Case of Maritime Clustering in the Netherlands, Maritime Policy and Management, 29 (3) pp 209-221.

Estrategia de desarrollo para el territorio cercano a un puerto

de Langen, P. W., & Sharypova, K. (2013). Intermodal connectivity as a port performance indicator. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 8, 97-102.
De Langen, P.W. and Chouly, A (2004) Hinterland Access Regimes in Seaports, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 4 (4) pp. 361-380.

Langen, P.W. de and Douma, A (2010) Challenges for using ICT to improve coordination in hinterland chains ; an overview, International Journal of Transport Economics 37 (3), pp 261-280.

Van den Berg, R, and De Langen, P.W. (2011) Hinterland strategies of port authorities: A case study of the port of Barcelona, Research in Transportation Economics, 33 (1) pp. 6-14

M. R. van der Horst and P.W. de Langen (2008) Coordination in Hinterland Transport Chains: A Major Challenge for the Seaport Community, Maritime Economics and Logistics 10, pp. 108-129.

Langen, P.W. de (2007) Port Competition and Selection in Contestable Hinterlands; the Case of Austria, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 7 (1) pp1-14.

P.W. de Langen (2009) Assuring Hinterland Access: The Role of Port In: Port competition and hinterland connections, OECD Publishing, Paris. pp. 75-102

Políticas portuarias

De Langen, P.W. and Pallis, A.A. (2006) Analysis of the Benefits of Intra-port Competition, International Journal of Transport Economics 33 (1) pp 69-86.

Jacobs, W. Ducruet, C. and de Langen, P.W. (2010) Integrating World Cities into Production Networks: The Case of Port Cities, Global Networks 10 (1), pp. 92-113

Langen, P.W. de, en Nijdam, M.N. (2008) Charging Systems for Waste Reception Facilities in Ports and the Level Playing Field; a Case from North-West Europe, Coastal Management, 36 (1) pp. 109-124.

Pallis, A., Notteboom, T., De Langen, P.W. (2008), Concession Agreements and Market Entry in the Container Terminal Industry, Maritime Economics and Logistics, 10 (3), pp. 209-228

Langen, P.W. de and Pallis, A.A. (2007) Entry Barriers in Seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 34, (5) pp 427-440.

Gobernanza de autoridades portuarias

Dooms, M., van der Lugt, L., & de Langen, P. W. (2013). International strategies of port authorities: The case of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 8, 148-157.
Notteboom, T. De Langen and P. Jacobs, W. (2013). Institutional plasticity and path dependence in seaports: interactions between institutions, port governance reform and port authority routines, Journal of Transport Geography.

De Langen, P.W., Van Den Berg, R. and Willeumier, A. (2012). A new approach to granting terminal concessions: the case of the Rotterdam World Gateway terminal, Maritime Policy & Management, 39(1), pp. 79-90.

Langen, P.W. de (2004) Governance in Seaport Clusters, Journal of Maritime Economics and Logistics, 6 (4) pp 141-156.

Langen, P.W. de and Lugt, L.M. van der, (2006) Governance structure of Port Authorities in The Netherlands in: Brooks and Cullinane (eds) Port Governance and Performance, Elsevier.

Langen, P.W. de (2006) Stakeholders, Conflicting Interests and Governance in Port Clusters, in: Brooks and Cullinane (eds) Port Governance and Performance, Elsevier.

Cooperación entre autoridades colindantes

Notteboom, Th., Ducruet, C, and Langen, P.W. de [edit] (2009) Ports in Proximity: essays on competition and coordination among adjacent seaports, Aldershot: Ashgate, ISBN 978-0-7546-7688-1

Langen, P.W. and Nijdam, M.H. (2009) A best practice in cross-border cooperation: Copenhagen Malmo Port, In: Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports Notteboom, Th. Et al [edit.], Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 163-174.