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ACP workshop
“ Our company Ports & Logistics Advisory (PLA) and PortEconomics had the privilege to provide another well-evaluated course. This course was about business development for port/industrial/logistics complexes, with specific attention for issues as drivers of change, the use of concessions, stakeholder management and business development capabilities. Four PortEconomics members, Peter de Langen, Michael Dooms, Theo Notteboom and Jean Paul Rodrigue provided the interactive one-week-training-program, with various workshops. PLA was responsible for the course development and execution. The course participants were Panama Canal Authority (ACP) employees involved in business development. The Panama Canal Authority is in charge of developing the whole canal zone and therefore has ample opportunities to develop new business. The course was very well evaluated by the participants, with an average score of over 9.5! The PortEconomics experts also had an interesting informal exchange of ideas with the Management team of ACP”.
Actividades y deseos Navideños
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For Peter de Langen's department at Eindhoven University of Technology
For Port of Rotterdam’s port vision:
For the European port performance project
For the magazine Port Strategy